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AllforSkin Times

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작성일 : 23-09-04 02:37
hello. This is AllForSkin Dermatology.
 글쓴이 : 관리자
조회 : 5,082  

Allforskin makes the world beautiful.
Allforskin Dermatology Daegu Head Office is a dermatology clinic run by dermatologists.

 We have all skin-related equipments such as botox, filler, wrinkle elasticity, petit plastic surgery, pores, scars, pigmentation, flush, melasma, vitiligo, acne, obesity, hair, body type, medical skin care, ota nevus, freckles, dark circles, hair loss, hair transplant surgery, hair transplant, non-incisional hair transplant, shingles, psoriasis, atopy, excimer treatment, tattoo removal, etc. and If you visit us at any time, we will kindly treat you with any symptoms as well as rare skin disorders.

It is located on the 4th floor in TOP10 alley, and valet parking is available in the underground parking lot.

Allforskin Dermatology has been selected as a 'leading medical institution for medical tourism' by Daegu City since 2012, and has many clinical and surgical experiences in the field of skin surgery, such as intractable skin disorder treatment, scars, pigmentation, lifting, hair transplantation, and body type therapy.

Also, it is the only one in Korea to be re-accredited by JCI international medical institution, and it is one of the world's top 5 internationally certified dermatology clinics listed in three world biographical dictionaries.

As an international medical institution leading global standards, Daegu Allforskin  Dermatology, which has produced numerous Miss Koreas and has been in charge of judging the competition, will do our best to make the value of investment shine even more, and will strive to become a dermatology clinic that makes the world beautiful, which is our motto. 

Please keep in mind to check the homepage notice before visiting the clinic.


  • 올포스킨피부과의원 대구광역시 중구 동성로 5길 26, 4층 대표자 : 민복기 사업자등록번호 : 504-30-15453 전화번호 : 053) 425-7582

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